The main plane geometric figures are: 


The circle is a figure that is made by plotting a curve that is always at the same distance from a point that we call center. The line that borders the circle is called circumference. 


The triangle is a figure that is formed by 3 straights that are called sides. There are different ways to classify the triangles, according to their sides or angles.

According to its angles:
  1. Rectangle: It has a right angle, i.e., it measures 90 º
  2. Acute: It has 3 sharp angles, i.e. they measure less than 90 º
  3. Obtusangulo: It has an obtuse angle, i.e. it measures more than 90 º

According to its sides:
  1. Equilateral: The 3 sides measure the same 
  2. Isosceles: It has 2 equal measuring sides and another uneven
  3. Scalene: It has no equal side


The rectangle is a figure formed by 4 straights called sides. The characteristics of the rectangles are that their opposite sides are parallel and their 4 angles measure 90 º. 


Square is a type of rectangle. They have the same characteristics but in addition the 4 sides of the square measure the same. 


The rhombus is a figure formed by 4 straights. Its opposite sides are parallel and the 4 measure the same but unlike the square, it has no right angles.


The trapezium is a figure formed by 4 straights. It has two parallel sides but the other 2 are not.
